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Race Rules

General conditions

  • Runners are not allowed to transfer or sell their entry; under NO circumstances may a person start the event assuming the identity of another or without being properly entered. Any such act will result in the respective entry being cancelled and all details removed from the official results as well as both the original entrant and person who runs under their name refused entry in future events.


  • Bandit Runners
    While the race is conducted on public land and access is not restricted to the general public, for the safety of all official entrants and as part of our medical and evacuation plans any person identified as having run on a substantial portion of the course on race day at the same time as the race without a valid entry will be refused entry in future events. 


  • Walking Poles
    Given the nature of various parts of our course, for the safety of all entrants no walking poles are allowed to be used on race day on any part of the course.


  • Headphones and speakers 
    Headphones may be used after the Coxs River crossing. Speakers are not allowed to be used on race day. Runners who do opt to use headphones need to be especially alert along Black Range where they may encounter race support vehicles travelling in either direction.


  • All runners agreeing to the terms and conditions as part of their entry also must have read and understood the specific race rules listed here but also the information contained within this website, which may be changed at any time up to the start of the event.


  • Runners must start in their allocated wave or risk disqualification or time penalty.


  • This is a physically arduous and mentally challenging event, and no responsibility will be taken for any accidents/injuries. (Runner's are strongly advised to have their own medical insurance covering the costs of medical evacuation).


  • The Race Committee may prevent any runner from starting, even after their entry has been accepted, or retire a runner during the event, if it is decided that the runner may be placing themselves or others at any risk whatsoever, or for any other reason.


  • The Race Committee may decide to decline a runners request to enter the race or cancel a runner's entry if already processed if the published entry process has not been followed or for any other reason.


  • All runners shall obey directions from Race Officials, Police, Medical, Ambulance, Rural Fire Service personnel and Pacers/Sweepers. Failure to adhere to these rules or directions on the day may result in the runner not being accepted for entry for future races.


  • All runners must be 18 or over on race day.


  • All runners must have satisfied the published qualification criteria at the time of entry. Any runner found to have used incorrect details iregarding their qualification data may have their entry cancelled.



The Six Foot Track Marathon has zero tolerance for harassment and abusive behaviour during the race.

Abuse means physical abuse, emotional or psychological abuse, sexual abuse, and abuse of power that has caused, is causing or is likely to cause harm to a person’s wellbeing, whether in person directly or as the result of a publication viewable by any other person by any means. 

Any instance of abuse should be reported to any member of Six Foot Track Marathon Committee at the earliest opportunity and the incident will be investigated, assessed and may result in disqualification and/or subsequent refusal of entry at future events.


Race numbers and chips

  • A runner will not be eligible for an award, medallion, certificate, or other prize unless completing the course as provided in these rules, within the official time limit and wearing the official race number, attached to the front of their clothes, preferably on his or her chest, so the words "Six Foot Track Marathon" and the allotted race number can be seen throughout the duration of the event. Please do not cut or fold the race number. Runners who choose to run the race without a shirt must have the complete uncut race number pinned to the front of their shorts. Rural Fire Service personnel log race numbers at aid stations for the safety of runners and they must have a clear view of every race number.



  • Runners who are taking prescribed medication must provide details on the back of their race bib in the space allocated. You should consult your doctor for an assessment of your fitness to complete in this event.


Pacers and sweepers

  • All sweepers and pacers have the authority to withdraw any runner, at any time, who they feel is unlikely to complete the run within the cut-off period allowed (and their judgement is final). They may also decide to retire runners at an aid station if they feel that this is in the best interests of the runner and/or the race. In addition, any runner that fails to meet the cut-off times specified below will be withdrawn by an official sweeper or other authorised race official.


  • A runner who is withdrawn must remove the race number and surrender it to the sweeper or other race official. Some runners striving to fulfill personal goals may be tempted to disregard the sweeper by continuing after having been officially retired. Remember that in entering the race you have agreed to follow official directions, and if required, retire gracefully. Aid Stations will be dismantled as soon as the sweepers have passed and tired runners cannot be left on their own in remote country. Due to the inherent dangers of travelling these mountain tracks in a fatigued state, this selfish luxury cannot be afforded and will result in the runner being barred from all future Six Foot Track Marathons.


  • Volunteering Sweepers and Pacers are only for people who already gained an entry to the race through our normal entry process by qualifying and paying for their entry. Sweepers and Pacers will be recorded as official finishers even if their time is outside the official cut-off time. Their run will count towards awards such as buckles etc.

Cut off times

Part of the history, tradition and challenge of The Six Foot Track Marathon is to complete the event within the maximum allowable time of 7:00:00. This is a difficult challenge and the main reason why there are strict entry criteria for the event. There are intermediate cut-off limits for those runners that have made insufficient progress to make the time limit possible.

  • Cut-off 1: Cox’s River crossing (15.5 km) 2 hrs 10 mins

  • Cut-off 2: Pluviometer (26.0 km) 4 hrs 10 mins

  • Cut-off 3: Deviation (39.0 km) 6 hrs 05 mins

  • Cut-off 4: Finish at Binda Bush cabins (45.0 km) 7 hrs 00 mins


Supporters and transport

Given the unique nature of our event with parking and traffic constraints around both start and finish line locations, all runners and supporters also need to comply with the various race day guidelines and rules as also published on this website.


Evacuation of DNF / Retired runners from the course

Each year a small number of runners for various reasons will need to withdraw or be withdrawn from the race along the course.

  • Once withdrawn the runner hands over their bib to the race official / sweeper or RFS Personnel.

  • Runners who wish to withdraw from the course on race day must inform an RFS Personnel or a race official of their decision. 

  • The runner's name and bib details are communicated to the Finish Line, and the runner is formally recorded as retired / as a DNF.

  • Our first priority is the safety of all runners and so that runner, will be unable to re-join the race or to continue under their own steam along the course to the finish line.


The medical team will make any appropriate decisions regarding medical evacuations if required.


Emergency contact details provided by the runner will be used to advise of runner status.


Once details have been communicated to race officials at the finish line, the status of retired / DNF runners will be posted on a white board in front of the timing tent, near the finish gantry.


Our aim is to transport all withdrawn runners to the Binda Bush cabins as soon as practical and feasible and to facilitate the re-union with their supporters, family, friends and drop bags at the earliest opportunity. However, we do ask for your patience as in some circumstances this will not be possible, and we may have to take runners back to Katoomba.


The significant logistical challenge of the course means that it will take much longer to get retired runners to the finish line than to get there under their own steam!


Circumstances on the day will vary, but as a general guideline:

  • If a runner is retired between Megalong Road and Pluviometer, they will most likely be transferred to Lemon Tree Yards Aid Station in the first instance.

  • They will be held here until such time as they can be evacuated with other runners, off the course, via Lowther to Jenolan Caves Road to Hampton Hotel / then via Duckmaloi Road via scheduled bus or support vehicle to the finish line.

  • This whole process will take several hours.

  • If a runner is retired somewhere between Pluviometer and Caves Road, they will most likely be transferred to the finish line at the Binda Bush Cabins - Jenolan Caves medical tent. 



Race partners
RFS Logo Jan 2024 jpg.png
Race custodian
Race day logistics
Key sponsors
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